Thursday, December 2, 2010

Defect & Code Traceability

In large projects, it becomes exceptionally difficult to maintain traceability between the code changes and the defects and features. This traceability enables us to easily switch between code changes, revert to earlier repository state, review & tracking of changes made with respect to a particular defect number or feature number.

There are several defect tracker & CM tool integrations available. SVN in particular is integrable with most of the popular defect trackers like
Being slightly partial to the user friendly Redmine, the tortoisesvn - redmine plugin is very very easy to start with.
Once you configure the plugin to work with Redmine, you can see all the Redmine tasks in Tortoise SVN.
If you want to see the changesets in Redmine, you will need to click on the Repositories tab and then Redmine refreshes the changesets (Bug has been reported)
Or you can write a refresh script which can refresh repositories whenever a commit is made in SVN.

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